Below this text you could see a blog page by Karah.
In this page you could see that she is talking about herself A-Z. While reading, you might be able to find something interesting or something that is similar to you. After reading, you will find a comment box below. What would you comment about?
Simple! Whatever you found interesting, talk about it while commenting. Tell the author that you have similarities with him/her or tell the author that you were inspired by their writing and wanted to ask a few questions. Also try encouraging the author in whatever way you can, just always remember to stay on the topic.
About MeMy name is Marianne Ella, For a little more information about me just click HERE!
My Classmates BlogsPostsWeek 9: Have I Improved?
Week 8: Games and More Games Week 7 Activity 8: Footprint Week 6: What to Write About?#2 Week 6: What to Write About? Week 5 Activity 5: Interview a family member and write a post about them. Week 4 Activity 4: Be Creative Week 3 Activity 3: Find an image or piece of music.Invite your readers to finish the story. Week 3 Activity 4: Find 5 images that create a story Week 3 Activity 6: Create your own images and add to a post of your choice. Week 3 Activity 9: Create a Jigsaw How to Comment Well? About My Province, Pathum Thani Archives
March 2018
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